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Jun Miyake Laboratory

Foresight Deep Intelligence

Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University​

The group has been organized for the Development of Bio-Medical Artificial IntelligenceTechnologies in Osaka University.  It is operated under AMED Projects, Hitachi Zosen Corporation and Nihon Unisys, Ltd.


Jun Miyake



Dr. Jun Miyake is a Professor Specially Invited, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.  He got the degrees of BS, MS, and Ph.D. (1980) at School of Science, Osaka University.  He had been a governmental officer of International Trade and Industry as an officer/scientist who chaired the Institute of Cell Engineering, AIST (2007-2009).  He was appointed as a professor, School of Engineering Science, Osaka University (2009-2017).  During 2017-2020 he has been a specially appointed professor, Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka Univ.  Invited professorships are: School of Engineering, Univ. Tokyo (2001-2010), Medical School of Osaka University (2001-2005), Institute of Fronteer Science, Kyoto University (2003-2004)  and Operating Agent, IEA-HIA Annex21/34 (2005-2010).  He is professor emeritus of Cruise-Napoca University of Technology.  His research has been covering from bio-energy, protein chemistry to robotics/human cognition.  His is now focusing on artificial intelligence for medical applications.  His achievements are: over 500 publications and 100 patents.  He has been prized by Minister of Science and Technology Agency Award, Minister of International Trade and Industry Award, and Akira Mitsui-Memorial Award from International Association of Hydrogen Energy, etc.  His personal Interests are bicycle and modern arts.  

Cooperating Researcher

Hirohiko Niioka, Ph.D. Associate Professor Specially Appointed

Osaka University Institute for Datability Science

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